health and safety

A & D SAFETY NETTING is part of A & D SCAFFOLDING SERVICES LTD – this Health & Safety Policy covers the entire company.

A & D Scaffolding Services Limited regards the occupational Health, Safety and Welfare of its employees, and those who may be affected by its activities, of prime importance.

The minimising of risk to people, property and environment is inseparable from all other company objectives and a management responsibility of equal importance to production, profit and quality.

The company’s aim is to comply with Health & Safety legislation, and wherever possible to attain higher standards through the adoption of best practice.

The Board of Directors are fully committed to achieving this through a programme of continuous improvement, positively promoting a proactive approach to accident and ill-health prevention.

The Board of Directors have overall responsibility for the formulation and review of the Group Health & Safety policy. Prime responsibility for accident and ill-health prevention lies with all management.

Effective control of Health & Safety will be achieved through cooperative effort throughout the organisation.
A & D Scaffolding Services Limited will seek cooperation from the workforce through joint consultation to help promote Health & Safety and establish and maintain a positive Health & Safety culture.

The Company will put in place and maintain systems in order to achieve its aims to:

  1. Comply with all relevant legislation, codes of practice and Company Health & Safety Policy, as a minimum, and where reasonably practicable improve on the performance standards they specify.
  2. Make available appropriate resources to implement the policy.
  3. Provide a place of work that is safe and without risk to the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, independent contractors and general public, so far as it is reasonably practicable.
  4. Provide appropriate training to meet individual responsibilities and needs.
  5. Seek to continually improve its safety, health and welfare performance.
  6. Monitor the performance of activities against this safety policy and supporting procedures.
  7. Make Health & Safety an integral part of the management of this company.
  8. Involve and consult with employees and, where appropriate, their representatives.
  9. Sustain and develop this policy by the implementation of a safety management system.
  10. Regularly review this policy and institute improvements where possible.
  11. Bring this policy to the attention of all employees.

This statement is supported by policies and procedures detailing specific responsibilities, organisational arrangements and outlining future strategy.

David Nicholls

Health and Safety Supervisor